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Wellness Consulting

Why Your Back and Neck Are Sore Workshop at Aro-ha & Align Pilates Seminar

In Queenstown, people are feeling great now that spring is here. As a Holistic Physiotherapist, I've noticed a big change in my patients. They have more energy and are more motivated. Even those with small niggles they have ignored all winter are coming to me for help to feel better and move better. It's incredible to see this positive change in my patients and the people at recent events. Here's a quick summary of two spring gatherings I was inspired to speak at, and what you missed.

  1. Negative Self Talk & Storytelling - What happens when we change one story we tell about ourselves at Align Pilates

Emma, owner of Align Pilates, asked me to speak at her Spring Equinox event which celebrates the renewal of springtime. I was so thrilled to share this science-based talk about how mindset drives ability. I shared two specific stories about my patients (names and details changed for privacy) to share that the stories we tell ourselves can change our abilities, relationships and thoughts.

For example, isn’t it strange how we’re so quick to believe our negative self-talk? And this talk becomes a story we believe is real and true?

eg. You eat a whole bag of chips, so you’re worthless.

Now only one part of this story is true: The chip-eating. But we find it hard to distinguish between what’s a true story, and what our brain has created.

Below is 1 slide from the seminar to show that this negative storytelling/self-talk isn’t real at all. It’s just a story our brain has created for us.

We ended the workshop with an activity. The audience had to picture their future lives without repeating negative stories to themselves.

Could you imagine your life without negative self-talk? It’d be pretty great right?

2. Why Your Back and Neck Get Sore (& No It’s Not Your Fault) at Aro-Ha Wellness Retreat

Last Saturday I taught a community workshop at the notorious luxury wellness retreat Aro-ha. Blending science with holistic strategies, we discussed the anatomy and physiology of the spine and common reasons why spinal pain is so common. And yep, you guessed it: It’s not your fault! Spinal pain is an unfortunate feature of modern life.

The key takeaway was that spinal pain doesn’t have to be scary and complicated. And there is no quick fix. We all need to work on our spinal health. But there are a few key things we can do to create real change.

Below are the 4 main points I repeated throughout the workshop, and into the movement class.

How will you enhance your health this spring?

Now’s the time to set a challenge for yourself. It can be small, like ‘take 5 deep breaths when I get to my desk every morning’ or big ‘run 5kms 3 times a week.’ But use the energy of spring to kickstart your health goal whatever it is.

Want help with your wellness?

Join my community and you’ll get my quarterly health and wellness tips and tricks, plus you’ll hear about any of my upcoming events.

Happy Spring!

How to Add Wellness to Your Resort

Offering wellness to your customers has never been more important. Across countless industries from food retailers to luxury hotels, wellness programs and wellness products are no longer optional. Here’s everything you need to know about adding wellness to your brand.

Everyone wants more wellness in 2021

It’s been an extremely difficult year this year, and the threat to human health has led to an increase in the individual and global search to be well. Never in most of our lifetimes has there been such a focus on health at such a large scale. While wellness has been a trend for years, now it’s personal. Customers of the luxury sector through to daily food chains are demanding brands consider their wellbeing.

An Ogilvy global survey of 7,000 consumers in 14 countries found:

  • 77% of people say wellness is very or extremely important to them.

  • 80% want to improve their wellness.

  • Only 46% feel that brands prioritise their wellness; the number is 41% for the food sector and 53% for skin-care brands.

  • 67% say there should be more wellness options, regardless of what they’re shopping for; more than 50% expect car, banking, airline and snack-food brands to offer wellness options.

  • 59% agree it’s worth paying more for wellness options.

  • 73% say all brands need a wellness strategy as part of their core mission.

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As the results above demonstrate, showing your customers you care about their health, both mental health and physical health, is imperative in today’s world. Before 2020, genuine workplace wellness programs were rarely implemented and wellness products were restricted to the health and wellness industry. But no more.

With social media ever-present now, wellness offers have to be authentic and meaningful. 

Wellness is more than healthy food and spa treatments

Many brands have started wellness programs in the past 12 months to cater to the demands of both their customers and employees. This has come in the form of wellness to support mental health, employee health or even by adding wellness to an existing brand offering. When these offerings are done in a meaningful way, these brands should be applauded. 

However, some brands think providing spa treatments and a few menu items with healthy food serve as wellness programs or products. But they don’t. 

The new consumer wants to know their health is a priority, not a second thought.

If you wish to offer wellness experiences and treatments, they need to have a human-centred goal behind them. That can be lightness and laughter, building connection, creating calm, boosting immunity or even creating a moment of wonder and awe which is shown to boost well being too. Regardless of what you wish to offer, it needs to have a clear goal that shows insight into your unique customer base. 

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Luxury brands need to focus on these goals when offering luxury wellness too, as an opulent spa no longer qualifies a hotel as a luxury wellness retreat. The world’s top wellness retreats have known this for years, but now the rest of the world is taking note.

All industries can offer wellness products

Wellness isn’t reserved for retreats, yoga studios and healthy food chains either. Any industry can get involved; It’s about catering to real people and their needs to have their health prioritised.

Whether you’re a hotel chain looking to add wellness retreats, a medical clinic looking to add fitness classes, or a ferry company looking to offer healthier, locally sourced food options, there are simple ways you can help your customers feel like you value their well being. It all starts with that human-centred goal to make the product meaningful to your customers.

What makes a wellness product meaningful?

Considering your customers in a holistic way can help create a meaningful wellness product. One of the easiest, most tangible ways to do this is to consider Maslow’s pyramid of needs.

The pyramid is as follows: Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualisation. Once the initial two needs have been met, wellness can attempt to address the last three: Love and belonging, esteem and self-actualisation. 


After a year of isolation, quarantine, lack of touch and loss of community for many, many people are craving a sense of belonging. Brands, luxury hotels and wellness retreats can all help create this with meaningful, in-person events and community initiatives. 

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Building a customer’s esteem is well within the reach of wellness products. Whether your customer’s goal is weight loss, detox, boosting their health or just trying yoga for the first time, esteem-building is crucial.

There are countless elements that influence building self-esteem, from everything from staff interactions to the user experience of digital fitness tools and trackers.


Self-actualisation is an important part of any meaningful wellness initiative and a pillar of any world-class wellness resort.

In fact, helping a customer live their best life is the key goal of any wellness brand, product or wellness retreat.

Whether this is done through a philosophical, spiritual or scientific lens, self-actualisation is the reason customers will rave about your wellness product and keep coming back. 

How to add wellness to your hotel or brand

Creating an authentic, relatable and meaningful wellness product in 2021 means thinking beyond the old ideas. While holistic treatments, yoga and daily wellness programs are great, they’re not enough.

New customers want to know brands have considered their wellness, which includes everything from saving them time to decreasing stress levels, boosting immunity and building connection.

While it sounds like a mammoth task to weave all these elements into a product, it can be done. From luxury wellness through to wellness programs and initiatives; authentic, personalised products are key.

Adding wellness to your brand

As a health professional and wellness consultant, I have the unique, ongoing opportunity to watch which wellness strategies work, and which don’t resonate with real people in real settings. I’m so grateful to have worked with some of the world’s best wellness resorts and brands from retreats to hotels fitness brands, and I love to help brands offering meaningful luxury wellness programs and products to their customers.

If you’re looking to add wellness to your brand but you’re not sure how to start, contact me now. 

how to add wellness to your hotel

Brand I’ve Worked With:

  • Liv Nordic & Viking Cruises

  • Six Senses, Worldwide

  • Chiva Som, Thailand

  • Ananda, India

  • Current Wellness Product Creation for 2 brands: Names protected by NDA.

Get in touch now!

Pilates Moves To Master Now

Pilates is for everyone of all ages - yep that means you too boys! Pilates is a really great way to enhance your posture, tone up and work your core. Here are the top Pilates moves you need to try now!

  1. Scissors - Great for deep core activation

This exercise is a good core workout, plus it works to strengthen the deep neck flexors to improve your posture!

  • Lie on your back and float your legs up to tabletop

  • Tap one toe to the ground, then lift it back up

  • Tap the other toe to the ground

  • For more of a challenge, tap the toe further away from you

  • 2 x 12

Pilates scissors core workout online

2. Walking Plank - Great for improving your posture

Planks can get a bit static, so make yours a walking plank!

  • From your hands and knees, press up into a hover lifting your knees 1 inch up off the ground

  • Press the ground away and lift your head and neck away from the ground

  • Step your legs back to a plank one by one

  • Then step back to your hover. Resist the urge to hang your head, this is how you improve your head and neck posture!

  • Try 2 sets of 5 steps. You got this!

Walking plank pilates at home

3. Ab Roll Up - A great ab workout

This one is tough!

  • Lie on your back with your arms out long and your legs stretched out

  • Float your hands up above your face

  • Use your abs to roll you all the way up to sitting

  • Try to keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears! You can do it!

  • Try 5 roll ups.

Pilates roll up.gif

4. Book Openings - Relieves stiffness in the middle back

If you get tight in the thoracic spine (middle back) you’re not alone. Sitting all day at a computer creates so much stiffness in the middle back. The best remedy is a gentle rotation.

  • Lie on your side and glute your knees together

  • Put your hands on top of each other (like a crocodile mouth) and open one arm all the way out, then back in.

  • If you feel any pins and needles in your hands, bend your elbow and open with the elbow instead of a straight arm.

  • 1 set of 8 on each side.

pilates instructor new zealand

5. Pelvic Tilts - Great to release stiffness in the lower back

  • Lie on your back and plant your feet hip-width apart

  • Imagine you have flashlights on your pelvic bones and roll your pelvis forwards and backwards

  • You’ll feel your pelvis rolling which also mobilises the joints in your lumbar spine

  • 2 x 5 slowly

Pelvic Tilts - Low back release.gif

Wanna try a Pilates class for Free? Check out my Youtube channel! It’s full of free classes covering everything from how to improve your posture to how to strengthen your glutes.

My Time as a Wellness Consultant & Visiting Practitioner On Board the Viking Sun Cruise Ship

I was so grateful to be invited back on board the Norwegian cruise ship, The Viking Sun, again in 2019 as a visiting practitioner. I offered everything from seminars to teaching Pilates classes on the pool deck and one-on-one treatments and goal setting sessions with the lovely guests on board. Much like last year, I was thrilled so many guests sought out my treatments, and I was fully booked on most of our days at sea!

If you’re wondering what I do as a Holistic Physiotherapist, check out the video below!

Discover what a Holistic Physiotherapist does (video part 1)

Discover what a holistic physiotherapist can do for you and your guests, and hear me say 'niggles' on Live TV! By the host's confusion, 'niggles' must be an Australia term.

Group and private Pilates classes

I’ve been teaching Pilates for over 10 years, and on board the Viking Sun I taught Clinical Pilates, a special blend of Physiotherapy and traditional Pilates moves. Clinical Pilates offers guests the chance to learn exactly why they’re doing an exercise, and what benefit it can give.

Private Treatments of Holistic Physiotherapy

Many of the guests on board were dealing with injuries, irritating pains or arthritis, and I was glad to help in my private treatments. The most common complaints I saw were neck and back pain, nerve pain or irritation, Achilles issues and shoulder pain. Unlike other Physiotherapists though, I’ve invented a special way to treat patients.

I believe these results aren’t simply musculoskeletal, but tied closely to the psychology of being treated in a spa space, even for a very clinical issue.

Jeremy McCarthy, Group Director of Spa & Wellness for Mandarin Oriental Hotels said it well:

“My theory is that the greatest impact of the spa experience…comes from the more psychological aspects of the experience, such as being separated from technology, having time for your mind to settle in silence, and experiencing the nurturing touch of another human being. These are the true luxuries of the modern age.”

It’s these benefits that optimise the unique content of my treatments, and create results for guests.

I was so grateful to have such a beautiful space to work with while on board. The Liv Nordic Spa is just phenomenal! Check it out:

Learn why Goal setting is an integral part of effective treatment (video part 2)

As part of my private sessions, I always help a patient set a goal, or verbalise a goal they already have. For guests, it can be anything from running 10km to walking up a flight of stairs. Here’s more:

Why goal setting is an important aspect of holistic Physiotherapy regardless of age or ability!

Wellness seminars

While onboard, I also conducted bi-weekly seminars to share my knowledge from clinical practice and experience with the guests. This was my second time on the beautiful Viking Sun, and during both experiences I kept hearing the same questions, so I prepared compelling, endearing seminars to help address these questions and concerns.

Healthy living and Wellness on board the Viking Sun Cruise Ship

I was so thrilled to see the Viking Sun offering exceptional healthy options for its guests again this year.

From the daily Green Juice option at the Atrium Bar to the 5-star gym and healthy meal choices, it’s great to see Viking helping guests by offering healthy options. There are, of course, plenty of treats like dark chocolate mousse and the sumptuous gluten-free waffles at Mamsen’s cafe for when you feel like spoiling yourself too.

Huge thank you to Six Senses Hotels, Liv Nordic Spas and Viking for having me as a visiting consultant again. I can’t wait until next year!

Finding neutral spine & other handy videos

You might be one of my patients who I have referred to this page to cement what we’ve learned in our one-on-one session. Or! You may not know me at all. But here you are! You’re here to learn how to find that neutral spine position, which can be one of the hardest parts of learning good posture, and starting Pilates.

How to find your neutral spine

Neutral spine can feel tricky or scary if you have had a back injury or back soreness for a long time, but it’s a very important part of recovery. Not only does it help get our backs moving, it also helps us maintain a stable spine throughout daily life.

So! I could explain neutral spine for hours, but the video below does such a great job for me. It’s from my last workplace in Melbourne, Australia and is a fantastic resource.

So lie on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor, and watch and listen as these fantastic physiotherapists help to teach you how to find your neutral spine.

How to do a Bridge while activating the glutes

The bridge is one of the best exercises as it works on so many things all at once! It incorporates spinal articulation with mobility, pelvic tilts and of course, pelvic stability thanks to glute activation and core strength. Plus! You can do your kegels or pelvic floor exercises at the same time.

As with neutral spine, I could explain the bridge in writing, but it’s much more effective to watch a video and listen to the Physiotherapists explain the exercise.

Please note: The video below shows progressions, but it’s best to stick with the level 1 bridge until you’ve really mastered it.

So there you have it! Two super handy exercises, with great, clear instructions from fantastic Physiotherapists to help you master these complex movements.

Did you find these videos useful?

Note: Exercises are completed at your own risk. Aprivé Wellness takes no responsibility for any advice given online.

The one thing you need to change about your eating habits

Stephanie Gobbo, Naturopath and Nutritionist extraordinaire, spoke at my recent retreat in Melbourne and her insight into nutrition is both holistic and incredible. I spoke to Steph about the most valuable mid-year resolutions you can make, superfood smoothies and the one thing you need to know to help you stay 'well.'

1. What is the most common mid year resolution you hear from your clients?

Definitely weight loss or detoxing.

2. What is the mid year resolution you'd love everyone to try instead?

I would like all my clients to try practicing self care, instead of focusing on dieting. Whether that means putting more effort into fitness, cooking clean food, getting extra sleep, drinking more water, having a massage or doing something nurturing for their mental health. This all leads to weight loss and a healthier body and liver anyway!

3. What is the number one food people can try at this time of year to supercharge their health?

Berries aren't in season, but you can always buy them frozen. They are filled with anti-oxidants which help reduce free radicals in the body. They're a great thing to incorporate into your diet.


4. What are your top 5 favourite superfoods?

"My favourite superfoods that come from nature are: Blueberries, green tea, turmeric, chia seeds, acai berry"

5. What is the most common digestion-related issue you see? What is your one top tip for managing this? 

The number 1 digestive symptom I see in clinic is bloating. The best advice I can give to work out why you are bloating and how to treat it is to investigate if it is because of these things:

1. something you're consistently eating that you’re intolerant to, 

2. the way you’re digesting and breaking down your food or 

3. because of dysbiosis of your gut microbiome

6. What is your favourite smoothie recipe?

best mid year smoothie recipe

My favourite smoothie recipe is filled with greens and mango:

1 mango cheek

1/2 frozen banana 

1 handful of baby spinach 

5-10 mint leaves 

1/2 cucumber chopped

1 small knob of ginger 

1 cup of coconut water 

Blend well and serve. 

7. What is your favourite indulgence?

My favourite indulgence is without a doubt a cheese platter and glass of red wine

8. If you had to give one piece of nutritional advice you wish everyone knew, what would it be?

From Steph's instagram @steph.naturopath

From Steph's instagram @steph.naturopath

"My number one piece of nutritional advice is to ensure your diet has variety."

This is imperative to feeding the gut microbiome and keeping it healthy along with ensuring your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

"So many of us get set in our ways with eating the same things over and over. Trying to include new foods each day is really beneficial. Eating the colour of the rainbow each day is an old saying but definitely true."

9. What are some cooking tips to help us heading into the cooler Autumn and Winter months?

Now that the weather has cooled down it is best to steer away from raw foods/salad/smoothies and start to include more warming foods such as soups, curries, casseroles, herbal teas and warming herbs and spices in cooking. Using bone broth as a base for your winter hot dishes is a fantastic way to heal your gut day to day. 

10. What foods help our immunity?

Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Onion, Shiitake mushrooms, Manuka honey, Bone broth, Oranges, Kiwis, Capsicum 

From Steph's instagram @steph.naturopath

From Steph's instagram @steph.naturopath

Now you know all these handy hints for navigating Autumn and Winter, what will you change about your eating habits?

About Steph:

Naturopath & Nutritionist. Stephanie is a Naturopath and Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science Degree majoring in Naturopathy. She practices out of the stunning Luxton Clinic in Armadale, Melbourne, Australia.