How to add Wellness to your life - with Sonja Sorich

Wellness and spa

Some people knew the word 'wellness' before it became a buzz word!

I'm always eager to learn from the best in the wellness industry, so I chatted to Sonja Sorich, founder and mastermind behind Spa Wellness Australia. I've been so lucky to be invited to be a Holistic Wellness Coach for this brand, and I'm just so thrilled to share the wonderful knowledge Sonja has learned after many years in the wellness industry.

1. How did you get involved in the wellness industry?

I was always naturally athletic and active so that came easily, but so did my big appetite for rich european food which was readily available at home.

Due to being on the heavier side I became interested in nutrition and exercise. Whilst this was a hobby and a large part of my reading I then began working as an office manager in a wellness clinic that offered chiropractic, massage and rehabilitation. The clinic was located within the fitness centre I used to work out and attend classes. Whilst in this role I completed my Cert 4 in personal training and group fitness and I also trained in 3 Les Mills programs. I then went to India to study yoga and it was here that a different perspective on health was gained. 

Sonja Sorich

2. What's your business journey in the industry from where you started to what you do now?

As you know I began as an office manager and then I stepped into teaching classes and personal training, whilst also having a role as a group fitness coordinator in one of Sydney's premier health clubs. After some time here I went aboard a cruise ship as the fitness instructor and then progressed into spa management.

I always sought to weave wellness into each spa I worked with and was also still teaching yoga on the side. I managed 5 star spas from cruise ships to the Maldives, Dubai, Whitsundays and then finally Australia's largest spa at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast. I also managed the 3 day retreat programs there.

After leaving Gwinganna I was asked to manage the pre-opening project for One&Only on Hayman Island and from there I set up my own business 'Spa Wellness Consulting' and now work for myself as a spa, wellness and retreat consultant.

Ive been involved in a number of projects now and I love the width and breadth of learning and career opportunities I have had in this industry. 

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

3. Why do you think 'wellness' has become so popular recently?

Life is getting faster.

The way we live is more stressful and toxic and due to stress and lifestyle diseases being prevalent people can no longer ignore that they need to look after themselves.

I also believe that the media promotes youthfulness and anti ageing and a large part of seeking wellness is motivated by the desire to look and feel younger for longer. It is also becoming increasingly popular and trendy to be healthy. 

Sonja loves yoga!

Sonja loves yoga!

4. What are your favourite Australian or New Zealand health and wellness beauty/skincare brands?

  • The Beauty Chef

  • Synthesis Organics

  • Perfect Potion

  • Organic Spa

5. What are 3 easy ways people can add wellness to their lives?

  1. Breathe Deeply

  2. Drink Water

  3. Commit to Moving the Body Everyday (even if just for 20 minutes)

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

So there you have it! The best health and wellness tips, plus an insight into a true innovator of the wellness industry.

Want more wellness tips? Get them below.

The BS of Busy with Jen Lean

Are you busy? Most people are these days. But what if saying you're 'busy' is wearing you down and giving you low level anxiety? I chatted to Jen Lean of Soul Retreats - a woman dedicated to sharing her journey from being busy, to being real. 

1. Why is saying we're busy so accepted in modern day life?

“I think it’s about self-fulfilment. Not that long ago, when people would ask, "How are you?" I would say, "Oh, good thanks, busy, but good.”

When I’d ask people how they were, I’d hear things like "Flat out, exhausted, SO busy, I can't keep up". Particularly with mothers. 

It almost become self fulfilling. If I keep telling myself I’m busy, my brain goes, "Ok, must be busy". Then the anxiety really sets in..."Holy crap, I’m just not doing enough...must do more.”

After a while I was like, what is REALLY going on here? Why are we all saying we're so busy? I mean, do any of us single handedly run small countries?

A great non-busy pic from an Aprivé Wellness Retreat

A great non-busy pic from an Aprivé Wellness Retreat

2. You've written about the BS of busy a number of times. Why did this become an area of interest for you? Was it to do with women you've met on your retreats?

“It is an area of interest to me because it was something I personally experienced in my own life. Also, many of the women I’ve worked with have had similar experiences.

People feel like they have to keep up with the cultural call for women to be all, do all, have all.

I have come to see that a lot of women are exhausted. They’re exhausted from living a really masculine energy-driven life. The need to achieve, to DO, to have, to get to, go, go more! A life that is completely out of alignment with their innate energy. It appears to be affecting their intimate relationships, their life passion and their health! Ah hello! That was me!”

A cup of tea without your phone at arm's reach is a great 'non-busy' activity

A cup of tea without your phone at arm's reach is a great 'non-busy' activity

3. Being busy has been likened to a drug. What are your thoughts on this?

“Rob Bell says "busy is a drug a lot of people are addicted to.” And if that is true, what do we know about using drugs? It numbs the pain. 

Thanks to the exhaustive research Brene Brown has done, we know if we numb pain, we also numb other sensations too like love, pleasure and joy.

Maybe busy has become the new 'socially acceptable' drug to be addicted to? The 'measure of success' drug?

For me I was numbing out the fact I didn't feel good enough. As a mother, a wife a friend, a coach. If I did more, I might be enough. When I got sick, I couldn't hide from the BS I was telling myself. 

I had to get real. Real honest! I got some therapy, reconnected with yoga, began to write more, healed some old pain. Began to feel enough...slowly! 

queenstown wellness

4. What made you stop saying "Can't, I'm busy".

Honestly, I got really sick. My busy story actually made me sick!

I had taken on too many projects had said yes to too many folk and was totally overcommitted on pretty much everything! Work. Kids. Family. Friends. 

My NO muscle was pretty weak. I thought I could do it all and everything was important. 

In the end it caused me such anxiety and stress trying to do everything and keep everyone happy. Internal voice sounded like, "Must help more people. Must do more stuff. People need me...and that makes me feel like I'm important (#truthbomb) More, do more"!!!

Watching a sunset - the perfect 'non-busy' activity

Watching a sunset - the perfect 'non-busy' activity

5. What’s different now compared to then?

These days (mostly), I am so past worrying if I will be accepted or not. I'm going to let people down. I am going to put people off.

Those that matter to me, accept me; imperfection, forgetfulness, over-excitment and all. And I get stuff done...more of the stuff that is truly important to me. Like writing this!” 

Now when people ask how I am, I answer, "Doing my best to be productive.” Sometimes when I am really brave I just answer, "doing my best.”’

Jen Lean not being busy at yoga!

Jen Lean not being busy at yoga!

Thanks so much to Jen for this great article! Follow her great musings and learn about her inspiring coaching right here: .

Sleeping in - the ultimate non-busy activity

Sleeping in - the ultimate non-busy activity

Having trouble getting out of the "No sorry, too busy" trap?

Try adding fun things to your diary so you make sure you set time aside for them.

  1. Sitting with a cup of tea and a book (map out just 10 mins)

  2. Meeting friends for an outdoor activity (picnic, skiing, or a short walk!)

  3. Having a bath

  4. Cooking a meal or bake something yummy!

  5. Going to a yoga, meditation or Pilates class for fun not just for a workout

  6. Staying in bed for a few extra moments. Set your alarm 10 mins early and enjoy that blissful 10 minutes of cuddly blanket time.

If you're into cooking or baking - try not being busy and bake something tasty!

If you're into cooking or baking - try not being busy and bake something tasty!

What are your favourite ways to be 'not-busy?' Share them in the comments section and I'll post them on our facebook page!

How to Eat Healthy In Winter - 3 Easy Recipes

Simple Recipes to Supercharge Your Winter Wellness

At my retreats and workshops this winter, so many people have told me they struggle to eat healthy in winter when fruit and veggies are hard to find.

So! Here are my top 3 recipes full of super healthy foods you can make with the best seasonal veggies winter has to offer!

1. Vegan, Gluten-Free Pumpkin Soup

You don’t need heavy cream to create a great pumpkin soup! This one is super easy and jam-packed full of rich vitamins to supercharge your winter wellness.

gluten free pumpkin soup

Cooking Time: 1.5 hours (but mostly simmering. You can work on your Aprivé Wellness workbook while it's cooking!) 

You’ll Need:

  • 1/2 Pumpkin

  • 1 tbsp. Gluten-free, vegetarian stock (Vegeta is my fave)

  • 2 Sweet Potatoes

  • 1 Leek

  • 2 Potatoes

  • 6 Cloves of garlic

  • 1 Brown onion

  • 1 jar of chilli flakes

  • Salt & pepper

  • 1 cup of raw lentils


1. Fill your kettle and boil the water. Once ready, pour the boiling water into a saucepan and add the lentils. Boil for 20 minutes or until soft. Wash and drain in a colander (no you don’t have to soak them overnight!)

2. Dice garlic, onion and leek into small pieces. Only use the leek up until the green leafy part.

3. Add a big soup pot to your stove and turn up the heat. Once it’s hot, add 2 tbsp. olive oil and the garlic, onion and leek. Add salt, pepper and a sprinkle of chilli and stir rapidly.

4. Once the mixture has browned, turn it off and set it aside while you peel and cut the other veggies into small squares.

5. Once your pumpkin, sweet potato and potato are cut, add them to the onion mixture and stir on a high heat. 

6. Add a litre of boiling water and around a tbsp. of stock.

7. Bring the mixture to the boil and let it bubble away for around 5 mins.

8. Turn it down to simmer, and let it simmer slowly for around 1 hour (you can work on your wellness goals while it’s cooking!)

9. Once the mixture is mushy and soft, squash it with a wooden spoon to make it lumpy and thick. If you prefer a smooth soup, take your hand blender to it!

10. Add lentils and garnish with a little curl of leek and it’s ready!

2. Pumpkin Salad with Feta - Your Healthiest Lunch Yet!

Pumpkin & Feta Salad

Cooking Time: 30 mins

Tip: Get up 30 minutes earlier on Monday morning and cut up pumpkin (leave skin on) and sweet potato with garlic (skin on). Cover in 2 tbsp. olive oil and add salt and pepper. Bake until soft. Then keep the mix in the fridge, ready for your lunches for the week!

You’ll Need:

  • Half a pumpkin and 2 sweet potatoes pre-roasted with garlic & salt and pepper

  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach

  • 1 tomato

  • 3 slices of feta

  • 1 grated carrot

  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

  • 1 squirt of mayonnaise or a creamy vinaigrette


1. Get all the ingredients

2. Throw them into a big tupperware container

3. Put it in the fridge at work

4. When you’re ready to eat it, give it a good shake till the feta, balsamic and mayo all mix

5. Eat!

3. Silverbeet & Ricotta Side Dish - The Super Food Winter Side Dish

If you’re a fan of meat and three veg, you can sick of the standard steamed broccoli side. Try this silverbeet dish. Silverbeet is full of iron and tons of goodies only found in dark green leafy veggies, and it’s best in winter! Perfect!

Cooking Time: 5 mins

Silverbeet recipe

You’ll need:

  • 1 pack of Silverbeet (around 12 stalks)

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • 1/2 tub Ricotta cheese

  • 6 Mushrooms

  • Hot sauce

  • Sweet Chilli sauce and/or Hot Sauce


1. Cut out the stalks and stems of the silverbeet so you’re left with only green leaves.

2. Cut the silverbeet into thick ribbons

3. Squash your garlic, remove the skin and dice into small pieces

4. Place a non-stick frypan onto your hottest element and warm it until it’s too hot to touch

5. Add a tbsp. olive oil

6. Add garlic and stir quickly

7. Add silverbeet and turn down the heat

8. Once the silver beet is covered in oil, add mushrooms

9. Once mushrooms are gently brown, add Ricotta

10. Stir fry for 3 minutes. The Silverbeet will shrivel up a lot, especially when coated in ricotta. Don’t worry it’s normal!

11. Serve with a lashing of sweet chilli and hot sauce. My favourite are the home made versions from Caribe or Empanada kitchen in Queenstown

Want more winter recipes to boost your health? Try this handy breakfast one below


Follow @aprivewellness for more free wellness tips & tricks!

The Secrets to Successful Skin

With Sara of Tailor Skincare

I find healthy skin with a dewy glow almost impossible to achieve in winter, so I spoke to Sara of NZ natural skincare brand Tailor, to get some tips for you.

I have sensitive, dry skin living in Queenstown, and struggle to find great products that work. But! Tailor skincare face oil and masks have really helped me this winter, so Sara knows her stuff! Check out her tips to keep your skin healthy this winter.

Tailor Skincare founder Sara

1. What's the number one problem people have with their skin in winter & why?

Definitely dryness. In winter, your sebum production slows down and you sweat less. Sebum is the skin’s natural oil and it mixes together with sweat to form a protective layer called the acid mantle. The acid mantle acts as a protective barrier to prevent water loss from the skin and it also helps to defend your skin against environmental irritants. 

2. What are the common mistakes people make with their skincare?

Over exfoliation, over cleansing and avoiding oils. Daily exfoliation can be too much for your skin, even gentle exfoliation. Everyone's skin is different but as a general rule I recommend exfoliation every other day with a gentle (non microbead) exfoliant like Tailor Dry Cleanse (but no more than this). Over exfoliation can lead to dryness and irritation because it compromises your skin’s acid mantle. 

Over cleansing can also lead to dryness and irritation.

Using oil on your skin doesn't actually make it oily! Using a gentle oil cleanser or facial oil can be a great way to rebalance oily breakout prone skin or bring dry skin back into balance by supporting the skin.

Tailor Skincare Range NZ

3. Top tips for looking after skin this winter?

  • Clean the skin and remove make up with an oil cleanser to keep the skin nourished and balanced without destroying the protective layer.

  • Get a good quality facial oil. Be sure to check the ingredients list because not all facial oils are created equal.

  • Sweat it out! Go to a hot yoga class, have a blast on the treadmill or relax in the sauna, whatever you do make sure you sweat it out, not only to cleanse your skin but to help your skin rebuild it’s protective layer - the acid mantle.

4. Why are natural products better for winter skin problems?

Natural skincare which contains good quality (i.e cold pressed) plant based oils is beneficial for the skin because the fatty acids in these oils will help to boost your skin’s metabolism, helping to give your skin energy to regenerate itself.

Mineral makeup and products are bad for your skin. Mineral oil is a by-product of the petrochemical industry and a common ingredient in many skincare formulas. Rather than it creating moisture though, it simply forms a barrier, preventing water loss, but clogging the skin barrier.

Tailor Skincare Range

4. Do chemicals impact hormones as the media tells us they do?

Some chemicals mimic hormones - oestrogen in particular. These chemicals are referred to as xenoestrogens when they are synthetic (man made) and phytoestrogens when coming from a plant source. These oestrogen mimicking chemicals can build up in your system putting pressure on your liver to detoxify them. In abundance they have been associated with “man boobs” in men and PMS, bloating, painful periods, weight gain, headaches and anxiety in women. You’ll find phytoestrogens in soy, tempeh, wheat, barley and flax.

Chemicals with xenoestrogenic effects include some parabens (a common preservative in personal care), 4-MBC (4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor; a synthetic SPF), Phthalates (a plasticising material found in mascara and nail polish) and tri-sodium phosphate (TSP; used as a cleaning agent, food additive and stain remover). Please note this list is by no means exhaustive and I urge you to do your own research. 

6. Special offer for the Aprivé Wellness Community!

And for the Aprive Wellness community we have a limited time 10% discount offer. Simply use the code: Aprive at checkout between now and Aug 31st 2016.

We have a brand new product launch in the works. Check out the facebook page to stay in the loop:

Thank you so much to Sara for all the great info! Tailor is one of those special brands that are hard to find - definitely check them out online.

Queenstown Wellness Retreat Recap - June 18th

One day of bliss and escape: 10 women retreated to the stunning Taramea Passive House in Dalefield for our one-day locals Wellness Retreat on Saturday. From Gore, to Christchurch to Queenstown locals, the day was full of inspiring women dedicated to helping themselves live happier, healthier lives. 

Yoga/Pilates Fusion class

We started with some warm cups of chai or green tea (infused with lemon & ginger) then settled in for an hour long Pilates/yoga fusion class. With all levels of experience from regular yogis to first-timers, the class was a pleasure to teach, and I was so inspired with how hard each guest worked. Especially during the side planks!

Morning tea

Rich caramel, baby soft coconut cream and sumptuous chia mix; incredible chia puddings by Bespoke Kitchen, Queenstown. They were a huge hit with the guests!

Nutrition Workshop

From the cabbage diet to the blood type diet; most of our guests had tried a trendy diet before. This led us into the workshop where we debunked common myths around eating, food and nutrition, and I gave everyone tips on how to avoid the winter blues this winter.


Salads and mouth-watering soup made for a light, delicious lunch, thanks again to Bespoke Kitchen. One guest even mentioned the salads inspired her to make her lunch for work instead of buying salads. Perfect!

Goal Setting

I was so inspired by how engaged each guest was while creating goals and acknowledging the common obstacles around achieving change. The biggest was 'not enough time' - you'll have to attend one of our retreats to learn how to overcome that common obstacle!

Outdoor Breathing & Meditation

Breathtaking views of Coronet peak and rolling hills made for the perfect outlook for our deep breathing. After fully relaxing through deep breaths in the very mild winter temperatures, we headed back inside to the yoga mats for meditation. I was moved beyond words as I watched each guest sink into their calm. Most meditation classes I teach, at least one guest opens their eyes, shuffles around or loses concentration. This retreat though; everyone made the most of this rare chance to fully relax and retreat from the stress of everyday life. Afterwards, everyone told me they enjoyed the meditation and found it really easy to relax. Brilliant!

Organic Wine Tasting with Aurum (& optional massage)

The charismatic Lucie shared her experience as a wine maker for local organic winery Aurum during the wine tasting. As the women relaxed with cheese and wine, three of the guests made their way upstairs for their massages. Once they'd finished, Lucie started the tasting again just for them, but rather than run off home, all the other guests stayed and chatted at the venue. I was so thrilled watching as the guests got to know each other, all different ages and coming from a number of different home towns.

Once the last guest had made her way to her car to drive home, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the happy hugs each guest had given me on their way out. These women had truly inspired me; their commitment to living their best lives, and looking after their bodies and minds created a palpable energy throughout the day, and everyone was smiling as they headed home.

If you wish to attend a day of bliss like this one, request a customised retreat for you and your friends, or just want to get in touch, contact me below. I'd love to hear from you. 

Thank you to our massage therapist Pao, and to the brands who supported this wonderful day: Kiwiherb, Sid & Jac, Goodbuzz Brewing (kombucha) Climate House NZ and Vudu Larder.