3 Tips to Eat Yourself Healthy & More with Niki Bezzant

With so many conflicting ideas about healthy eating clogging up the internet, it can be hard to know what to trust. So! We spoke to Niki Bezzant, Editor-in-Chief of the NZ Healthy Food Guide to help you discover the 3 ways to eat yourself healthy, plus other handy tips.

What should i eat to be healthy

1. What first made you interested in healthy food?

I’ve been interested in food all my life and have always been a cook. I cook because I love to eat! I love flavour.

how to be healthy

2. What does healthy eating mean to you?

Healthy eating means eating what makes me happy, and listening to my body. That means eating with awareness and pleasure, as well as giving my body what it needs to feel good. I don’t believe in deprivation or denial or guilt in association with any food.  

3. What's your favourite meal of all time?

Roast chicken, roast potatoes and green veggies, with beautiful home-made gravy. Can’t beat it. 

what should i eat to be healthy

4. What's the best thing about New Zealand produce?

We have an incredible natural environment here which produces incredible seasonal produce. I love coming up with new things to do with our beautiful seasonal vegetables.

5. What are you 3 top tips for healthy eating?

1. Don’t diet!

2. Cook as much as you can.

3. If in doubt, add vegetables.

6. What's your favourite treat for summer?

I love beautifully-prepared sashimi. Especially when it comes with a glass of champagne. 

what to eat in summer

See? Even the healthiest people understand balance is key. To learn more from Niki, check out her TedX talk below.

To get easy ways to sleep, move and eat yourself to a healthier 2017, get our free digital wellness guide below.

Why Naps are Amazing

Celebrating National Stress Awareness Day

Stress is one of the leading health issues that increases your risk of chronic illness, plus decreases your enjoyment of the wonderful things around you. So! To help you learn about stress management, here's a handy infographic by the lovely people at Casper, creators of the mattress that lets you sleep cooler, on how naps can help decrease your stress levels.

are naps good for you

To learn more about how stress can make you age faster and impact your health, click here.

What should you eat everyday? Plus Other Women’s Health Wisdom

With Kate Callaghan, The Holistic Nutritionist

Kate Callaghan, an Australian nutritionist now based in Wanaka NZ, has just released a new book, and holey moley it is a goodie. Kate attended one of our wellness retreats in January 2016, and now we just can't get enough of this amazing wellness pro. Not only is Kate inspiring with her wealth of knowledge around women's health, nutrition and how diet can affect fertility, but she's also managing a hugely successful business with a little baby in tow! 

what should i eat everyday

Kate's new book “Holistic Nutrition: Eat Well, Train Smart & Be Kind to Your Body” is an all encompassing health “bible” to help women find hormone balance and optimal health and happiness through simple strategies around food, movement, stress management and self-love.

We chatted to Kate to get highlights from her book plus learn which food women should eat every single day.

How does nutrition affect hormone balance in women?

The foods we eat provide the building blocks of our hormones, especially fats and proteins. Without adequate good quality food, there won’t be enough starting materials to make all of the lovely hormones to make us feel awesome!

Also – the foods we eat can have a powerful influence on our gut bacteria and overall gut health. Optimal gut health is essential for hormone balance so if this system is out of whack, so with your hormones. 

Finally – our liver is our main detoxifying organ. One of its roles is to process “used up” hormones and package them up for elimination (via the gut). Your liver needs good quality nutrition all of the time (detoxification is an ongoing process, not just a one-off when you decide to do a “cleanse”) in order for complete and efficient detoxification and hormone metabolism. Avoiding “liver loaders” such as alcohol, unnecessary medications, sugar and excess caffeine, can really help with detoxification and hormone balance. 

What is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, and how did you start working in this area?

Hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), in simple terms, is when your brain stops communicating to your ovaries, which results in a lack of sex hormones being produced. This leads to menstruation and ovulation ceasing. The consequences of this are infertility (which is the obvious one), but also loss of bone density, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, poor immunity, low libido, fatigue, and dull and lifeless skin and hair (among other things). 

HA is caused by the following (and it doesn’t have to be all of them):

  • Not eating enough for your activity levels

  • Exercising too much

  • Insufficient body fat levels

  • Rapid weight loss

  • Excess psychological stress

  • The oral contraceptive pill (post-pill amenorrhea)

I chose to write an e-book (and now e-course) on this topic, as it was something I went through myself. I was doing too much exercise, I wasn’t eating enough (despite eating really good quality food), I was letting stress get the better of me, and I didn’t have enough body fat for optimal hormone balance.

what should i eat everyday?

All of this contributed to me being infertile. I was told I wouldn’t be able to fall pregnant naturally, which I wasn’t willing to accept, so I sought about healing my fertility with food and lifestyle, and managed to conceive naturally! I have since realised that there are many women, like me, suffering from this condition, with little information around on how to heal from it. I created these resources so these women would be able to have options in the healing process. 

Can what you eat help you get pregnant? How?

Yes! There are many things you can eat to change your fertility, here are a few:

1. Eating a lot of really good quality food, to provide your body with adequate nutrients for hormone balance, and to send the signal of “energy abundance” to your brain, so it knows that reproduction is safe and viable (i.e. you’re not in a famine where mum’s or bub’s life could potentially be at risk)

2. Stress management – DAILY – as stress hormones increase, sex hormones decrease, and your brain goes into “fight or flight” mode. For conception, we want abundant sex hormones and we want to be in “rest, digest and reproduce” mode

3. Sex – all the time! I probably don’t need to explain how this helps someone get pregnant….? If there are issues with sperm quality or quantity, have sex every other day, rather than every day. 

If you’re having issues falling pregnant, seek out a health practitioner rather than trying to self-diagnose with Dr Google!

What are your 3 must-do's for anyone looking to start their journey towards better health?

  1. Prioritise sleep and stress management

  2. Eat good quality food most of the time, but don’t beat yourself up if you have something “not so healthy” on the odd occasion. It’s more about what you do every day, rather than every now and then

  3. Mix up your exercise – rather than pushing yourself with cardio or intense weights sessions every day, mix them up with relaxing and rejuvenating activity such as yoga, walking in nature, tai chi and play! Your body and mind will thank you for it 


Why do you think healthy food has started dominating social media in the western world?

Because more people are becoming aware that “food is medicine” – what we eat has a powerful influence over how we look, feel, think and behave. Also – there are so many amazing food bloggers around now, who are making incredible recipes, incorporating healthy food, that taste delicious!

If it was up to you, what's one thing every woman would eat everyday.

Fermented foods – sauerkraut, kombucha, full fat yoghurt, beet kvass – all of these are wonderful for nourishing a healthy digestive system, which has a flow-on effect of improving overall health and wellbeing. All disease begins in the gut, haven’t you heard? 

A Bit about Kate

Kate demystifies the science behind female hormones and how they are affected by diet, exercise and stress. She explains why low-carb diets can sometimes hinder, rather than help, most women achieve optimum health, and she offers many alternatives on how to eat and exercise instead. 

what to eat to get pregnant

The book offers solutions to very common problems, such as how to improve fertility, how to lose excess body fat, build muscle, reduce bloating, sleep better, increase energy and not worry all the time about what to eat. Best of all, she outlines ways women can help nourish their bodies to not only look good, but also feel confident and beautiful in their own skin.

You can get Kate's book at:


5 Best Activewear Pieces for Spring 2016

Because who doesn't love stylish activewear, right? Having beautiful, well-fitting and comfortable activewear is a key motivator for many women to get outside, to the gym or the studio for a workout. At Aprivé Wellness, we're no different, and we love some great stretchy pants and comfy singlets. With so many brands out there though, it's hard to find the best pieces for your collection. So here are our top picks for 2016.

1. Best leggings - Lorna Jane

Tried and tested against so many other brands, we absolutely LOVE my Lorna Jane leggings. The main reason is the fabric which is far more breathable than another brand that starts with L....and it feels more natural on your skin. We bought one of the styles with the ventilation panels which keep out legs cool. 

Pic from Lorna Jane Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lornajaneactive

Pic from Lorna Jane Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lornajaneactive

2. Best Crop Top - Ivy Park (Beyoncé's line)

It's not secret one of our favourite taglines to get more done is "You have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé." But it's not just being a fan that gave Ivy Park the top pick for crop tops. The hip-hop-inspired activewear range is perfect for everyone dancers to gym bunnies to yoga fans. We love that attitude it has, and, yes, we love that it's made by Queen B.


3. Best Singlet/ Tank Top - Michi NY

We find ourselves in our activewear for a whole day after teaching Pilates, so we're fans of clean lines and a modern style (not just a baggy old tee, not that there's anything wrong with soft tees for workouts!) Michi NY has super modern, almost futuristic activewear, and their tank tops are ultra flattering. Love.

Michi NY
Plus - The Michi Instagram feed is a dream! https://www.instagram.com/michi_ny

Plus - The Michi Instagram feed is a dream! https://www.instagram.com/michi_ny

4. Best SUP one piece - The Upside

Summer's nearly here! That means time to SUP. If you're fair like us, you need something with good coverage, but that's not too hot. We love the tanks and leggings from The Upside, but this onesie is the ultimate for summer. Not to justify the purchase according to how many days one goes supping....hmmm....

The Upside
Also loving their new pineapple-themed range for summer https://www.instagram.com/the_upside/

Also loving their new pineapple-themed range for summer https://www.instagram.com/the_upside/

5. Best Warm Layer - Cotton On Body

Activewear doesn't have to break the bank, and with new sporty collections by J Crew, and Aussie and Kiwi local options like Target and Cotton On Body, there are plenty of affordable brands to choose from. For a chilly stroll, hike or a dash to the gym on a windy summer day, we love a simple grey hoodie. Plus! You can keep it for winter and wear it under your leather jacket, paired with leggings for a super stylish activewear look (or great comfy plane attire!)

Cotton On Body

What's your favourite piece of activewear?

Liver Detox, Self Worth & Taking the Food Out of Junk Food

Dr Libby's Surviving to Thriving Workshop

The other night I went to an incredible workshops with Dr Libby Weaver, biochemist extraordinaire and wellness advocate. Much like Aprivé Wellness, Dr Libby blends scientific evidence with fun stories and meaningful wellbeing tips to help women live their best lives. 

Last night's workshop focused around women in particular, and featured everything from the importance of liver health to the danger of oestrogen dominance. Most interestingly, Dr Libby answered her own question:

"Why do we do what we do when we know what we know?"

I learned the answer during the workshop, and here are other things I learned.

Dr Libby Queenstown

1. People and the decisions they make are healthy, not food itself

Dr Libby points out food (whole, real food that is) is just food, it's your choices that determine health. She's also keen to remind everyone that junk food isn't food. It's just junk. 

2. Nutrition is vital for the biochemical reactions that drive everything in your body

To convert one chemical into another, which the body can use, we need nutrients. Nutrients are what we get from real food. Take broccoli for example: Broccoli is broken down into a special kind of medium, which also helps your liver process oestrogen. Without broccoli, this reaction is stalled. Why don't you want to much oestrogen? Read on....

3. Your liver needs a cleanse. Trust me.

Liver cleansing and beetroot juices have been around for ages, but apart from helping recover from a champagne binge, no one is really sure why livers need cleansing. 

Alcohol isn't the main reason your liver needs cleansing. Fat and oestrogen is.

In the old days, alcohol was the main reason livers developed fatty liver disease. Now though, it's occurring in many women, even children. What does this mean?

 It means there is less viable liver able to process the incoming fats, cholesterol, oestrogen and alcohol, so it's working at lower capacity and is overloaded. Uh oh...

What happens when you liver is overloaded?

First up, think of the liver as a 2-phase funnel. Dr Libby uses her arm to depict a liver. Imagine your forearm is the input, where trans-fats, alcohol, cholesterol and oestrogen come in. At the wrist is phase one, where every substance undergoes a change, call it A1. After A1, imagine your palm is phase 2, where the changed substance A1 chooses a pathway down one of your fingertips, one of 5 different pathways.

Nodding our heads at the workshop, Dr Libby went on, explaining what happens when the liver is backed up. After a substance comes into the liver and undergoes a change (becomes A1) sometimes there's too much traffic for it to filter down one of the five pathways. So! It sneaks out a trap door and gets back into the blood stream.

Our body isn't skilled at processing these altered substances (A1) and a good example is oestrogen. After it become altered, if it is forced to sneak out the trapdoor, the altered oestrogen enters the blood stream. Unfortunately it can't be processed, and has been linked to oestrogen-dominant cancers like some breast cancers. Not good.

How do you cleanse the liver?

You need to free up the traffic that's blocking those five pathways.

1. Decrease cholesterol, alcohol and trans fats to slow down the flow of substances coming into the liver.

2. Decrease your oestrogen levels. How? Decrease your stress levels; this helps increase your progesterone levels which is your body's anti-anxiety hormone. When progesterone levels increase, oestrogen decreases and they level out. This means there's less oestrogen flooding into the liver, and none has to sneak out the trap door!

Thinking of the info I learned from Dr Libby!

Thinking of the info I learned from Dr Libby!

4 Wellness Tips I Learned from Dr Libby

1. Eat Greens Everyday

Dr Libby has a green juice every morning, and finds it the easiest way to increase her veggie intake.

2. Say "No" Without feeling guilty

Seeing hundreds of women every year at her Beautiful You Weekends, Dr Libby encounters so many women who feel overwhelmed, flustered and stressed, but who wear a mask of serenity to hide it all. Her antidote is to get you to say 'no' more often. Not a guilty no, where you beat yourself up for not being able to help a friend, attend a seminar or walk someone's dog, but a content, strong 'NO!' Give it a try.

3. Listen to your body. She knows best

For the first time, Dr Libby shared her own personal story in this seminar about a battle with gluten intolerance where she lost excessive weight, and was very ill. She says she didn't go to the doctor for four whole months, but if she'd listened to her body, she would have gone earlier. Libby wants you to listen to your body, and trust your intuition as it is almost always right about what you need to look after yourself.

4. if you don't value yourself - you won't look after yourself

This was the most profound part of the workshop for me. As a wellness consultant, I chat with women about habit change and many do incredibly well. But this fact is absolutely true, and I had never thought of it so clearly.

Everyone knows what they should to do look after themselves, so why don't they do it? Because they don't think they deserve to be their best selves. If you truly believe you are precious, and valuable, and special, you're more likely to treat yourself to the best gift - health. If you're not sure how to start valuing yourself, come to one of our retreats. It's the perfect place to start!

Dr Libby is a truly brilliant speaker, and the other night's workshops was no exception. She truly listens to women, and looks at what she can do to help you have more energy and be your best self. I feel so privileged to have attended this event for Aprivé Wellness and our Health & Wellness blog for Queenstown.com. Thank you Dr Libby! Amazing as always.

Queenstown Wellness Retreat - Huge Success!

Our September Retreat was Sold Out!

With 14 lovely guests from Queenstown, Wanaka and throughout Southland, our last public retreat was a huge success. So much so, we had to get out extra yoga mats for the extra numbers who booked last minute! Brilliant sunshine, breathtaking snow-capped mountains and a stunning venue in Gibbston made this retreat a real escape for our guests.

What do you do on a wellness retreat?

Our one-day retreat is all about YOU! You take as much out of it as you wish, blending laughs, great food and new friends with some handy tips to help you live a happier, healthier life.

Yoga/Pilates Fusion & Chia Puddings

First up, we started the day with a yoga/Pilates fusion class. Some guests were worried it would be cold outside, but thanks to the sun, everyone ended up in singlets and t-shirts!

Next guests enjoyed an exceptional chia pudding hand crafted by chef Fabien Simon of My Private Chef NZ. Cinnamon infused apple pieces, pineapple purée, gluten free granola and coconut chia pudding was mixed together to not only look incredibly beautiful, but it was really tasty.

Healthy Cooking Workshop with Fabien Simon

A first for our retreats, this new workshops was a huge hit. Talented French chef Fabien taught our guests cooking tips and simple ways to prepare nourishing food. He demonstrated how to make Pearl Barley Risotto with Greens & Parmesan, plus how to make kid-friendly Kumera Fritters. If you want the recipes, you'll have to come to our next retreat! All our guests are getting the recipes next week.

Wellness Retreat Lunch: Chef-made Salmon & Veggie Fritters

Lunch was truly divine, and very popular among our guests. Beautiful pieces of salmon, miso mayo, kumera and carrot fritters, broccoli and spinach coulis and salmon skin crackling was the most luxurious lunch we've had at an event yet. 

Mindfulness Walk & Beach Meditation

Our breathtaking venue was a ten minute stroll to the rushing Kawarau river, so we headed off on a mindfulness walk to the beach. With just one day to retreat, ten minutes of silence was welcomed by the guests, helping them think about themselves without the distractions of conversation.

Once down on the beautiful beach by the rushing river, we spent ten minutes doing simple meditation followed by a stress workshop. We chatted about the pressures of daily life, and the difficulties many people face when stress and poor self-esteem manifests itself in their lives as obsession with food or exercise. 

Stretch Class, Massage & Wine 

After strolling and chatting on the way back to our venue, the guests enjoyed a relaxing stretch class under the willow tree. Four ladies had pre-booked massages and made their way to quiet ends of the house to slip into bliss. The others enjoyed wine tasting: Organic wine by Carrick, and biodynamic wine by Quartz Reef. Don't worry, those who booked massages got wine afterwards!

We've had wonderful feedback from the day such as:

"I love your bubbliness and knowledge about what you do."

Such a huge thank you to all the women who came to this beautiful day, and of course thank you to Fabien Simon for his expertise. Thank you also to Neat organic perfumes, Hunter Gatherer Gourmet and The Herb Farm organic skincare for their beautiful gifts in the gift bags. 

Want to come to our next retreat? Sign up below to be the first to hear about i!