wellness retreat queenstown

4 Small Changes for a Happier, Healthier You

With so many wellness pros around the world, we chatted to one special woman, Pazit Barak, who helps people from around the world enhance their health and wellbeing at her retreats in Cambodia. Here are her top wellness tips.

Tips for a Healthy New Year with Pazit Barak

Long working hours, lunch on the go and minimal sleep has become a normal way of life in today’s western society. Balancing work, family and friends as well as finding time for ourselves seems almost impossible.  However, finding time for ourselves is vital, yet somehow we put it on the back burner behind looking after everyone else. As Eleanor Brownn once said “Self-care is not selfish, you cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

When we push ourselves to the limit on a daily basis we slowly become more and more drained. We start getting aching, lethargic, can develop skin problems, anxiety and even depression.

For most of us, a demanding lifestyle is unavoidable, but the good thing is that we don’t have to change our lives completely to improve it. If you can make the time, signing up for a yoga and meditation retreat is a great way to reset and re-balance. However, the following small changes take up little time, can be integrated into your daily life and are guaranteed to result in a happier, healthier and more positive you.

 1.     Regulate your sleeping pattern

health resort spa

In Chinese medicine and throughout the practice of yoga we are taught that our bodies are at one with the universe and flow to the same natural rhythm. It is believed that when we fall out of sync with the universe and become disconnected that our energy levels drop. With this in mind, it is recommended that to shine our brightest we should rise just before the sun and sleep when it sets or no later than 10pm.

In Ayruvedic medicine it is understood that before sunrise the hours are governed by air and space, making us feel lighter and providing us with support for the day. After sunrise the hours are run by water and earth making us feel heavier and less energised.

Eight hours of sleep in total works out perfectly. If you do not feel like this is possible in one go, take an hour and a half nap in the day if you can, no more and no less. This is a full sleep cycle and will leave you feeling rejuvenated.

2. Exercise for 5 minutes a day

You’re probably wondering how 5 minutes of exercise a day could possibly make a difference, but trust us, it does. Whether you, walk, skip, stretch or practice yoga they are all great. Just make sure you are consistent and you will see a shift in how you feel both mentally and physically.

By being active each day, even for such a short amount of time, you will improve your overall fitness including cardiovascular health, burn off stress resulting in an elevated mood and even increase brain power. Make sure to pay attention to your breath for a more powerful practice and a deeper connection between the body and mind.

3.) Practice self-love

health resort spa

Every day we are mindful about how we treat others and try to always consider the outcome of our actions but, sadly, we do not tend to behave the same way when it comes to how we treat ourselves.

Today, in the West especially, we are constantly working towards the next achievement, living in competition with others and ourselves. Whether it’s a higher paid salary, a bigger house or a new car. The list goes on. We rarely, if ever, take the time to sit back and realise what we already have and how much we have already achieved.

Take a few minutes each day, at the same time if you can, to write down five amazing things about yourself. It can be anything from you inherent strengths to something wonderful you’ve achieved. Write it down, reflect on it and appreciate how great you are.

4.) Spend 20 minutes in nature

The setting of Aprivé Wellness' January Retreat

The setting of Aprivé Wellness' January Retreat

It doesn’t have to be in the up a mountain or on a tropical beach, it can simply be your garden or the nearest park. We spend so much time in offices, houses, shops and transport we can forget how beautiful nature can be and how embracing it can benefit us.

Trees and plants are our best friends, our life source. Being amongst them cleanses our system as well as our soul. Venturing out barefoot can also help ground you as well as allow your body to absorb minerals from the earth. So get out there, connect with the universe and feel free!

We know this may not be easy to start with but give it a go for a few weeks and see how you feel. Fully embrace each change. Be consistent but if you do miss one, don’t be hard on yourself. You will still see change. You will still feel the difference. If you punish yourself you will only feel tension. Simply learn from it and change it for the next time.

By being mindful of your surroundings, taking time for yourself and being proud of who you are, you’ll feel lighter, happier and stronger. As Buddha once said “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”.

About the author - Pazit

The Temple Retreat

Pazit is a yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher as well as holistic healing therapist. She specializes in Reiki, Pranic healing and Reflexology. She is also a theatre coach and life coach at Vagabond Temple Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Cambodia.



New Year, New You Wellness Retreat Recap

Queenstown Wellness Retreat

Our retreat last weekend was a huge success! This sold out event at Nugget Point Hotel and Spa blended yoga, Pilates, nutrition, meditation, goal setting and luxury relaxation for an inspiring day.

I was so humbled our guests had flown or driven to the event from all over the country! Women of all ages from Tauranga, Wanaka, Invercargill and locals from Queenstown joined together to learn tips on how to live better in 2016.

Yoga Pilates Fusion class 

I pushed our guests with planks, some tricky core work and difficult balance in the yoga/Pilates fusion class. The retreat was all about starting fresh and achieving goals after all! 

smoothies, nutrition & vegetarian treats

Berry smoothies followed, then our guests were treated to a nutritintion workshop by Michelle of Queenstown Nutrition. They learned how to make matcha smoothies bowls with organic Japanese matcha, a green tea powder with 137 times the antioxidants of green tea! I’m so grateful to Matcha Maiden from Melbourne for sending this superfood to us.

We also learned about the health benefits of fermented food, and tried sauerkraut by Be Nourished. The curry one was my favourite!

Talking about food made the ladies hungry, so it was time for lunch: lentil salad, mesculin and beetroot salad, pumpkin soup and a luxurious cheese board. Aprivé Wellness is all about balance, and treating our guests to a cheese board added a hint of luxury to the day, plus it stayed within our nutrition rule of 80:20. 80% of what you eat should be healthy, and 20% can be a bit naughty!

goal setting & meditation

I led the goal setting session where our guests used the WOOP technique to set an important goal for the year. They locked in their goals by writing them in beautiful 2016 diaries from The Collective Hub. The inspirational messages in their pages are sure to help all the guests stay on track this year.

Meditation on the grass overlooking the Shotover river was the perfect way to unwind and relax, with one of our guests who has a little baby at home falling asleep! She, and all our guests really needed a break, so after meditation they wandered up the sun kissed steps to the stunning Nugget point spa to enjoy the steam room, pool, sauna and hot tub.

Picking up their gift bags with products from Olive Skincare, Global Soap NZ, Matcha Maiden and Chia, each guest hugged me on their way out. I was so flattered with the kind words all the guests uttered as they left, and really hope each felt refreshed and empowered to achieve their goals for 2016.

don't miss your chance to attend our next retreat

All our retreats have been sold out! So become an Aprivé Wellness VIP to be the first to learn about our events so you don't miss out!

Science Meets Holistic Health

Our retreat on January 16th blends evidence-based science with calming holistic medicine to help inform the health and wellbeing choices of people just like you.

See the day's inspiring schedule below, and book online now! http://www.aprivewellness.com/queenstownwellnessretreatjan…/

Wellness Retreat & Consulting Brand Official Launch

I wrote about our company's launch in my column for Queenstown.com - so it's 100% official - Aprivé Wellness is up and running and already changing the landscape of wellness.  Yay!

My mission is to make wellness fun and inspiring; plus share evidence-based science to help inform the health and wellbeing choices of people like you. 

I'm no hardcore health nut, but I do have years of education, lifestyle and industry experience to know what health tips are proven and reliable, and which are just passing trends.

I'm so excited to officially launch Aprivé Wellness Ltd. and thank you to everyone who has helped this day happen from my lovely retreat guests to friends, family and mentors in the Physiotherapy and Wellness world. 

At Aprivé Wellness, we have some special projects underway, so subscribe to my list so you'll be the first to know!

Thank you for all your support - Have a happy day!


Accidental IBS: Linking digestion and stress

Our busy lifestyles of urgent deadlines, unmanageable commitments to family and friends and unhealthy diets are making modern society accidentally anxious. This anxiety is wreaking havoc on our digestion.

Without realising it, the way we live is causing biochemical changes in our bodies, including the overproduction of adrenaline. 

Adrenaline and stress

When you're stressed out, your body produces adrenaline to help you prepare fight or run from the threat. This response comes from your nervous system, and evolved to help us outrun sabre tooth tigers and battle our neighbours for food and shelter. In modern life though, we don't (often) need to fight or run when we're stressed, so adrenaline pulses through out body, leaving us wired.

Adrenaline and your body

Everyone knows the feeling of adrenaline pulsing through your body; whether you've tried bungy jumping or you love ordering a venti coffee with 5 shots of coffee.

Adrenaline makes you wired; your blood pressure rises, your muscles fill with more blood, and the blood flow to your intestines slows.

Did you know? Adrenaline slows the blood supply to your digestive organs.

Sluggish digestion from stress

Breaking down food is hard work, and it takes energy and power to do it. With excessive adrenaline pulsing through your body, your poor digestive system is expected to work without a good blood supply. Peristalsis, the fancy word for the movements and contractions of the intestines to help move food along, is also slowed by adrenaline. Your digestion becomes sluggish, and some harder-to-digest foods can sit in your digestive tract for too long, emitting gas causing bloating and stomach pain.


How to treat IBS

Stomach pain and irritable bowels can be caused by too much adrenaline pulsing through your veins thanks to stress rather than just the foods you eat.

So before you scrap spicy food from your diet, there are a few things you can try to lower your stress levels, decrease the over-activation of your sympathetic nervous system, and decrease the adrenaline in your body:

  • Try 5 long exhales 3 times a day- Deep breathing is proven to activate your 'Rest & Digest' system instead of your 'Fight or Flight' system.
  • Try avoiding stimulants like coffee around meal times
  • Try to avoid stressful situations (eg. a meeting with a difficult client) when your digestive system needs extra help like after lunch.
  • Gentle exercise can help with digestion, so try a walk to clear your mind, and help your process your food after lunch.
  • If you're eating at your desk, try deep breaths between bites, and avoid reading work or stressful emails during your break.

How to manage stress

If you need help finding effective but realistic ways to combat stress in your life, I'd love to help you.


Have a happy day! 

-Caitlin xo