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How to add Wellness to your life - with Sonja Sorich

Wellness and spa

Some people knew the word 'wellness' before it became a buzz word!

I'm always eager to learn from the best in the wellness industry, so I chatted to Sonja Sorich, founder and mastermind behind Spa Wellness Australia. I've been so lucky to be invited to be a Holistic Wellness Coach for this brand, and I'm just so thrilled to share the wonderful knowledge Sonja has learned after many years in the wellness industry.

1. How did you get involved in the wellness industry?

I was always naturally athletic and active so that came easily, but so did my big appetite for rich european food which was readily available at home.

Due to being on the heavier side I became interested in nutrition and exercise. Whilst this was a hobby and a large part of my reading I then began working as an office manager in a wellness clinic that offered chiropractic, massage and rehabilitation. The clinic was located within the fitness centre I used to work out and attend classes. Whilst in this role I completed my Cert 4 in personal training and group fitness and I also trained in 3 Les Mills programs. I then went to India to study yoga and it was here that a different perspective on health was gained. 

Sonja Sorich

2. What's your business journey in the industry from where you started to what you do now?

As you know I began as an office manager and then I stepped into teaching classes and personal training, whilst also having a role as a group fitness coordinator in one of Sydney's premier health clubs. After some time here I went aboard a cruise ship as the fitness instructor and then progressed into spa management.

I always sought to weave wellness into each spa I worked with and was also still teaching yoga on the side. I managed 5 star spas from cruise ships to the Maldives, Dubai, Whitsundays and then finally Australia's largest spa at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast. I also managed the 3 day retreat programs there.

After leaving Gwinganna I was asked to manage the pre-opening project for One&Only on Hayman Island and from there I set up my own business 'Spa Wellness Consulting' and now work for myself as a spa, wellness and retreat consultant.

Ive been involved in a number of projects now and I love the width and breadth of learning and career opportunities I have had in this industry. 

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

3. Why do you think 'wellness' has become so popular recently?

Life is getting faster.

The way we live is more stressful and toxic and due to stress and lifestyle diseases being prevalent people can no longer ignore that they need to look after themselves.

I also believe that the media promotes youthfulness and anti ageing and a large part of seeking wellness is motivated by the desire to look and feel younger for longer. It is also becoming increasingly popular and trendy to be healthy. 

Sonja loves yoga!

Sonja loves yoga!

4. What are your favourite Australian or New Zealand health and wellness beauty/skincare brands?

  • The Beauty Chef

  • Synthesis Organics

  • Perfect Potion

  • Organic Spa

5. What are 3 easy ways people can add wellness to their lives?

  1. Breathe Deeply

  2. Drink Water

  3. Commit to Moving the Body Everyday (even if just for 20 minutes)

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

So there you have it! The best health and wellness tips, plus an insight into a true innovator of the wellness industry.

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