wellness consulting

How to add Wellness to your life - with Sonja Sorich

Wellness and spa

Some people knew the word 'wellness' before it became a buzz word!

I'm always eager to learn from the best in the wellness industry, so I chatted to Sonja Sorich, founder and mastermind behind Spa Wellness Australia. I've been so lucky to be invited to be a Holistic Wellness Coach for this brand, and I'm just so thrilled to share the wonderful knowledge Sonja has learned after many years in the wellness industry.

1. How did you get involved in the wellness industry?

I was always naturally athletic and active so that came easily, but so did my big appetite for rich european food which was readily available at home.

Due to being on the heavier side I became interested in nutrition and exercise. Whilst this was a hobby and a large part of my reading I then began working as an office manager in a wellness clinic that offered chiropractic, massage and rehabilitation. The clinic was located within the fitness centre I used to work out and attend classes. Whilst in this role I completed my Cert 4 in personal training and group fitness and I also trained in 3 Les Mills programs. I then went to India to study yoga and it was here that a different perspective on health was gained. 

Sonja Sorich

2. What's your business journey in the industry from where you started to what you do now?

As you know I began as an office manager and then I stepped into teaching classes and personal training, whilst also having a role as a group fitness coordinator in one of Sydney's premier health clubs. After some time here I went aboard a cruise ship as the fitness instructor and then progressed into spa management.

I always sought to weave wellness into each spa I worked with and was also still teaching yoga on the side. I managed 5 star spas from cruise ships to the Maldives, Dubai, Whitsundays and then finally Australia's largest spa at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat on the Gold Coast. I also managed the 3 day retreat programs there.

After leaving Gwinganna I was asked to manage the pre-opening project for One&Only on Hayman Island and from there I set up my own business 'Spa Wellness Consulting' and now work for myself as a spa, wellness and retreat consultant.

Ive been involved in a number of projects now and I love the width and breadth of learning and career opportunities I have had in this industry. 

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

Spa Wellness' beautiful branding

3. Why do you think 'wellness' has become so popular recently?

Life is getting faster.

The way we live is more stressful and toxic and due to stress and lifestyle diseases being prevalent people can no longer ignore that they need to look after themselves.

I also believe that the media promotes youthfulness and anti ageing and a large part of seeking wellness is motivated by the desire to look and feel younger for longer. It is also becoming increasingly popular and trendy to be healthy. 

Sonja loves yoga!

Sonja loves yoga!

4. What are your favourite Australian or New Zealand health and wellness beauty/skincare brands?

  • The Beauty Chef

  • Synthesis Organics

  • Perfect Potion

  • Organic Spa

5. What are 3 easy ways people can add wellness to their lives?

  1. Breathe Deeply

  2. Drink Water

  3. Commit to Moving the Body Everyday (even if just for 20 minutes)

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

Spa Wellness' Beautiful Marketing Imagery

So there you have it! The best health and wellness tips, plus an insight into a true innovator of the wellness industry.

Want more wellness tips? Get them below.

Queenstown Wellness Retreat

The Countdown is On

Only 3 days until out New Year, New You wellness retreat, and I’m getting so excited! We've still got 2 spots left - BOOK YOURS NOW!

What is this retreat about?

You know how hard it is to make, and stick to new years resolutions? This retreat was created to help my guests set real, achievable goals, plus give them strategies to help them achieve their dreams in 2016.

Starting with a Yoga Pilates fusion class overlooking the stunning Shotover River, guests will get stretchy while learning how to activate and work their cores. Then, they'll learn how to use real food (not starvation!) to cleanse their bodies in the Nutrition Workshop. 

Goal Setting Retreat

We've never had goal setting at one of our retreats before, but since goals are such an important part of starting the new year, we had to include it! I’m hosting this session which uses techniques from WOOP; acknowledging what obstacles stand in your way, and devising strategies to overcome them. 

The Collective Hub, an inspiring brand for entrepreneurs and dreamers, sent us gorgeous 2016 diaries for our guests. Jam-packed full of beautifully drawn motivational messages, these diaries are the perfect way to inspire our guests this year.


Even if you’ve never tried meditation before, it’s such a good way to slow down and reset for the new year. We’ll be meditating outside, overlooking the stunning Shotovoer canyon, surrounded by wildflowers at Nugget Point Boutique Hotel. 

I’m so incredibly excited for our retreat on Saturday and to meet all our lovely guests. I just can’t wait to help people live happier, healthier lives in 2016 with proven wellness strategies and a splash of luxury.

want to attend this retreat?

How to lose weight & the importance of mindset

It's so easy to get stuck thinking about your weight; how to lose it, how to keep it off, and even for some; how to gain it.  Whether you're a man, woman or teenager, we've all compared ourselves to billboards and fit-stagrammers. Our image-focused society focuses on appearance so much, it can seem inescapable. 


What actually works to help you lose weight?

Comparing yourself to others and shaming yourself every time you stray from your diet or workout regime is a bad habit, and leads to overeating, bad self-esteem, binging, trying crazy unrealistic diets and ensures a lifetime of fluctuating weight. But for some reason, we all do it.

Instead of focusing purely on weight loss though, it's been found that focusing on a positive outcome like better health is way more effective for long-term weightless. Now's the time to stop making yourself feel bad about your weight, and start focusing on the end goal: Living a happier, healthier life. 

Focus on healthy habits for long term weight loss

When you focus too much on any outcome, you get exhausted along the way. If you focus on day-to-day goals though, you'll find you reach the same outcome without all the worry. Let's be honest though, it's easy to say you want to lose weight, but harder to stick to your strategies. So instead of putting excessive pressure on yourself like banning yourself from eating cheese and saying you'll run 15 kms every day, make your day-to-day goals more achievable. 

Instead of these negative goals:

- I'll fit into my skinny jeans in 4 weeks

- I won't eat carbs for 2 months

Try these positive, achievable, measurable goals

- I'll try to eat 5 veggies everyday

- I'll get moving for 30 minutes 5 days a week, even if it's just a walk down the street and back.

- I'll find new healthy recipes and plan 3 meals each week (leaving less time to eat fast food)

- I'll eat vegetarian meals 5 out of 7 days

- I'll have 5 alcohol-free nights a week


The goals above are weight-loss strategies disguised as wellness strategies! By aiming to enhance your health, you approach weight loss in a positive way rather than from a negative, self-punishing angle.

Goal setting & Technology

One of the best things about technology is it's ability to change our behaviour with cool apps and programs and this works for weight loss and wellness too. My favourite for goals setting is WOOP: Where you set a wish, outcome, obstacle and a plan. 

Eg. Wish: To be lighter and healthier

Outcome: I'll feel more confident in my own skin & with my partner

Obstacle: I don't have enough time to shop and cook healthy food

Plan: (when I encounter my obstacle, I'll....)

eg. When I don't have enough time to cook and shop for healthy food I'll...

-Order a weeks' worth of veggies and groceries online, and prepare 3 quick, healthy meals to freeze for the week.


The Woop app is an evidence-based way to stick to your goals, and find actionable ways to make them happen. There are plenty of other fitness and goal-setting apps, but I think Woop seems more authentic. It works with you and your mindset rather than using financial motivation, like apps such as Pact. It's amazing how goals pop into your head when you're using the app - things you didn't even know were important to you. 

Goal setting doesn't have to be a mission

The term goal setting sounds like boring terminology used in stuffy conference rooms and tedious hour-long meetings; but it doesn't have to be. Change the word 'goal' to 'ways for me to be healthier,' and the focus and accountability comes back to you. 


Weight loss for health not looks

Another important weight loss mindset change: Remember being in a healthy weight range is better for your body, it's not about looking a certain way. Carrying extra weight around your tummy is directly linked to heart problems, while generally carrying extra weight is hard on your joints and can accelerate osteoarthritis and joint degeneration.

Check out another post about the importance of mindset in wellness here.

What do you think are important aspects of weight loss?

Aprivé Wellness Goes to Nugget Point Spa

Mountain-top luxury wellness in Queenstown

Perched high above the Shotover River in stunning Queenstown, New Zealand, is Nugget Point Spa. This boutique hotel's luxury wellness includes a Greecian-inspired spa facility for the ultimate day of relaxation.

Wellness Consultant

Luxury Wellness for Real Relaxation

Choose a massage, manicure or pedicure and spend the rest of your afternoon relaxing in this beautifully-styled spa. Slowly sauntering between each water feature, it was the ultimate Sunday afternoon! Try one or all of their features:

  • Hot Tub

  • Cool pool

  • Steam Room

  • Sauna

  • Rain showers

A Luxury Spa for Aprés Ski

Nugget Point is a 2 minute drive from the base of Coronet Peak, one of New Zealand's favourite family ski resorts. Needing no more than your swim suit and a good book or magazine, Nugget Point Spa is the perfect post-skiing pit stop before you head into Queenstown for a meal. 


This view makes your wellness experience that much more special as you realise how truly remote you are. So far from your office and commitments, lie down in the sauna and take a deep breath. The sauna was my favourite feature, closely followed by a cooling swim in the mosaic pool.

Treats & Boutique Accommodation for a Real Escape

Nugget Point also boasts stunning boutique accommodation and a beautiful restaurant for those looking to stay as close to this beautiful spa as possible.  They even offer discounts for Queenstown locals, including a local's brunch.

I had such a truly rejuvenating and relaxing afternoon at the beautiful spa, I can't recommend it enough.

My dress is by Bali-based label Mr Zimi

My dress is by Bali-based label Mr Zimi

Stay tuned for my next luxury spa review....

Wellness Consulting - Creating health and fitness content from industry experience

Why Runners Get Achilles Tendon Injuries

Running content and commerce hub Running Divas asked Aprivé Wellness for some expert health and fitness content about Achilles Tendon injuries:

Not many medical terms for muscles and tendons are well known, but the Achilles is one of the famous few. Achilles tendon injuries in runners are fairly common but the reasons why they occur are still poorly understood. To understand achilles injury, let’s start from the beginning.

What is the Achilles?

The Achilles is a tendon the spans from the middle of the two Gastrocnemius heads (bulky calf muscle) and attaches onto the heel bone.

What makes you likely to injure your Achilles?

The jury is still out on this one. When it comes to running, it comes down to technique and the biomechanics of your feet and ankle joints. As Achilles tendon injuries are multi-factorial, there are countless biomechanics factors that come into play including ground reaction forces, muscle activity and joint motion.

Only one biomechanics variable has been shown to definitely increase Achilles injury risk:

-High braking force placed on the achilles tendon

Other factors that may contribute:

- Low arches

- Running on soft surfaces

- Poor ankle range of motion

How do you know if you’ve injured your Achilles?

If you’ve ruptured your Achilles, you’ll know! Often patients hear a loud crack, and the tendon can be seen under the skin, recoiled halfway up the calf like a retracted rubber band.

An overuse injury or tendinopathy isn’t as obvious, but patients report pain on walking, particularly on the push-off phase, pain with calf raises, steps and often pain when touching the tendon. Your physio will often feel a difference in the consistency of the injured tendon: Often it will feel lumpy and thicker than the uninjured side.

*To read the full article - Click Here

Image: Mark J Sebastian

Image: Mark J Sebastian

Aerobic Fitness Programs - Vital for Holistic Wellness

The modern wellness guest wants tranquility and the mental & physical benefits from cardio workouts- so why are curated aerobic fitness programs still missing from many wellness retreats and luxury hotels?



Aerobic Exercise - Ultimate Wellness for Mind & Body

Exercise that gets your heart pumping has benefits for both the mind and body. Thanks to countless studies, aerobic exercise has been proven to be a reliable aspect of the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression. Clearly, it's an instant mood elevator, but it has far more physical benefits than exercise that doesn't get your heart racing. While yoga and stand up paddle boarding might leave you feeling great, the long-term physical effects aren't as extensive. Don't get me wrong, yoga and Pilates have their very vital place in a wellness retreat, but their inclusion shouldn't mean the exclusion of aerobic exercise.

Strangely though, few wellness retreats offer carefully curated aerobic programs.

Wellness Consulting

Current retreat & hotel fitness offerings: Too generic

Many luxury wellness retreats and hotels offer you the options of hiking, stand up paddle boarding and yoga, but a personalised touch is the newest trademark of luxury travel. As a Physical Therapist and Wellness Consultant, I know no two people are alike even though they may have the same gender, background, and age.

These days many people feel pressure to be able to do a Bow Pose in yoga, hike to the mountain peak or do a plank in Pilates. When they can't live up to this pressure, they're left feeling isolated and incompetent - the opposite goal of a luxury retreat or hotel.

Whether they can't participate because of anxiety, injury, pain or fitness, wellness retreats need to offer personalised programs to motivate and challenge people in an inclusive way.
Wellness Consulting

A Modern Approach to Health Wellness Fitness

Your guests just want to relax and escape the stress in their lives - so why not offer a modern fitness program to leave them motivated, inspired and rejuvenated?

 Rather than a 'one size fits all approach' created by a general wellness curator, luxury guests demand professional yet evidence-based programs to challenge them, and teach them strategies they can take home.

Why not offer an 3 in-room workout videos to cater to different levels of fitness, or a simple 5-pose Pilates program? 

As a Physical Therapist, Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor, I can incorporate my medical background with holistic wellness strategies to create tailor-made programs for different luxury clients. These modern yet simple programs can really help motivate and inspire people during their stay and long after. Programs that can be created for your wellness resort:

Beach-side Retreats

  • Better cardio fitness in 10 days: an intensive program
  • Beach workout: abs, legs and glutes
  • Water fitness: Intensive workouts for pool and beach
  • Joint-friendly workout: Water & low impact fitness
  • Say goodbye to back pain

Remote Retreats

  • Balance and concentration workout for 50+
  • In-room workouts for low back pain
  • High intensity walking programs
  • Yoga for sore knees
  • Fitness program for anxiety, depression and stress

Mountain top/Winter Retreats

  • Après Ski Cool Down
  • Ski Fitness program
  • Optimal hiking fitness (Different programs for different age groups)

*All of these programs utilise elements of aerobic exercise to optimise mind and body wellness. They're not personalised per client, but they're unique enough to cater to your particular clientele.

Your guests deserve to achieve their wellness goals, and rather than offering stock standard programs that may leave your guests injured or anxious, by consulting with professionals with backgrounds in sports science and biomechanics like Aprivé Wellness, you create an inclusive, safe and personalised wellness service.

luxury Wellness consultant

Fitness is an inconspicuous luxury

Style.com recently published an article that said "wellness has become an important part of the luxury lifestyle," and the article's focus was fitness clubs like Soul Cycle and Barry's Bootcamp.  The article goes on to say that not only does fitness help you look and feel good, it's also a way for high earners to make more inconspicuous luxury purchases. 

"If five years ago it was a Céline bag, today’s ultimate status symbol might just be a SoulCycle hoodie and a green juice."

Now, more than ever, luxury guests are demanding the worlds of indulgent luxury merge with functional fitness. 

Do you need help creating inspiring, safe fitness programs for your retreat or hotel?