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5 Best Activewear Pieces for Spring 2016

Because who doesn't love stylish activewear, right? Having beautiful, well-fitting and comfortable activewear is a key motivator for many women to get outside, to the gym or the studio for a workout. At Aprivé Wellness, we're no different, and we love some great stretchy pants and comfy singlets. With so many brands out there though, it's hard to find the best pieces for your collection. So here are our top picks for 2016.

1. Best leggings - Lorna Jane

Tried and tested against so many other brands, we absolutely LOVE my Lorna Jane leggings. The main reason is the fabric which is far more breathable than another brand that starts with L....and it feels more natural on your skin. We bought one of the styles with the ventilation panels which keep out legs cool. 

Pic from Lorna Jane Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lornajaneactive

Pic from Lorna Jane Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lornajaneactive

2. Best Crop Top - Ivy Park (Beyoncé's line)

It's not secret one of our favourite taglines to get more done is "You have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé." But it's not just being a fan that gave Ivy Park the top pick for crop tops. The hip-hop-inspired activewear range is perfect for everyone dancers to gym bunnies to yoga fans. We love that attitude it has, and, yes, we love that it's made by Queen B.


3. Best Singlet/ Tank Top - Michi NY

We find ourselves in our activewear for a whole day after teaching Pilates, so we're fans of clean lines and a modern style (not just a baggy old tee, not that there's anything wrong with soft tees for workouts!) Michi NY has super modern, almost futuristic activewear, and their tank tops are ultra flattering. Love.

Michi NY
Plus - The Michi Instagram feed is a dream! https://www.instagram.com/michi_ny

Plus - The Michi Instagram feed is a dream! https://www.instagram.com/michi_ny

4. Best SUP one piece - The Upside

Summer's nearly here! That means time to SUP. If you're fair like us, you need something with good coverage, but that's not too hot. We love the tanks and leggings from The Upside, but this onesie is the ultimate for summer. Not to justify the purchase according to how many days one goes supping....hmmm....

The Upside
Also loving their new pineapple-themed range for summer https://www.instagram.com/the_upside/

Also loving their new pineapple-themed range for summer https://www.instagram.com/the_upside/

5. Best Warm Layer - Cotton On Body

Activewear doesn't have to break the bank, and with new sporty collections by J Crew, and Aussie and Kiwi local options like Target and Cotton On Body, there are plenty of affordable brands to choose from. For a chilly stroll, hike or a dash to the gym on a windy summer day, we love a simple grey hoodie. Plus! You can keep it for winter and wear it under your leather jacket, paired with leggings for a super stylish activewear look (or great comfy plane attire!)

Cotton On Body

What's your favourite piece of activewear?

Gluten-free Vegetarian Recipes

Aprivé Wellness featured on The Upside Blog

Internationally beloved activewear brand The Upside Sport was keen to feature the nutritional element of Aprivé Wellness' scope - so I wrote a guest post just for them.

It can be hard for coeliacs and those with a gluten intolerance to make tasty comfort foods at home without including meat in their dishes. From creamy peanut butter tofu to rich quinoa bolognese, I shared some of my favourite vegetarian gluten-free recipes in this special blog post.

Image by Aprivé Wellness