gluten free recipe

Healthy Recipe: Peanut Butter Tofu

Gluten Free Vegan recipes

If you're gluten free like me, and you're trying to eat less meat, it can be tricky to find interesting recipes. This is one of my absolute favourites and even my friends who hate tofu love it! It's rich and beautifully creamy, perfect with fried rice for a hearty winter meal, or with an asian salad for summer.

Peanut Butter Tofu Recipe

Tip: Don’t forget to check your ingredients for gluten, as some peanut butters and sauces can have glucose or maltodextrin derived from wheat or barley. Look for maltodextrin or glucose derived from maize instead.

You’ll need:

  • 500g packet of of white tofu

  • 1/4 tamari or gluten free soy sauce

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter

  • chilli flakes

  • 3 tbsp brown sugar

  • 5 tsp sesame oil

  1. Mix your ingredients together to form a sauce, apart from the tofu.

  2. Cut the tofu into small squares the size of a teaspoon and sauté until brown (about 10 minutes)

  3. Once you've cooked the tofu, pour your sauce over the tofu like a marinade (You can always add more if you want a saucier dish)

  4. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes

  5. Once the tofu has taken on the colour of your mixture, add some olive oil to a pan and sauté the tofu again until the mixture turns a dark, honey brown.

  6. After about 5 minutes in the pan, you're good to go!


Gluten-free Vegetarian Recipes

Aprivé Wellness featured on The Upside Blog

Internationally beloved activewear brand The Upside Sport was keen to feature the nutritional element of Aprivé Wellness' scope - so I wrote a guest post just for them.

It can be hard for coeliacs and those with a gluten intolerance to make tasty comfort foods at home without including meat in their dishes. From creamy peanut butter tofu to rich quinoa bolognese, I shared some of my favourite vegetarian gluten-free recipes in this special blog post.

Image by Aprivé Wellness